International Conference
Informatics and Smart Engineering Systems

Dates of Conference : 21st and 22nd March 2024

About INSES-2024

INSES-2024 is an international  conference that aims to engage leading global researchers from academia and industries in presenting their expertise in current technologies of Engineering Informatics and their applications in engineering systems. It will also provide an interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners, and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of Computational intelligence, AI, Data Science, IOT, cloud computing and their extended applications across engineering domains. The keynote speakers are the eminent people from academia, research institutes and industries.


LICET aims at training young men and women of quality, capable of leading the society in all walks of life who would serve their fellow human beings in justice, truth, love and compassion. This training will bring in desired change in the lives of people, more particularly the poorer and marginalized sections of the society and Dalits. Further it will foster an atmosphere of intellectual vigour and moral rectitude. Through institution-industry collaboration, LICET strives to help young men and women to find fulfilment and achieve greatness as eminent men and women for others who would be the voice of the voiceless and the name of the nameless in society.

LICET is born out of global vision of Loyola College Society (LCS) and ICAM-Group. The core philosophy of ICAM and LCS is to facilitate conducive atmosphere to students who form themselves into COMPETENT, CREATIVE, COMMITTED and COMPASSIONATE professionals. These four C’s form the commonness of our partnership. And this union forges to offer a collective enterprise contributing to the formation of engineers who would promote growth in individuals and in society. Currently LICET offers 5 undergraduate programs all accredited by the NBA and a Master’s program in computer science.

NIT Silchar

National Institute of Technology (NIT) Silchar, an institute of national importance under the NIT Act, was established in 1967 as Regional Engineering College (REC) Silchar in Assam. In 2002, it was upgraded to the status of NIT from REC. NIT Silchar has situated on the banks of the river Barak and has a sprawling campus spread over 600 acres of land on Silchar’s outskirts. The landscape of NIT Silchar is beautiful, with natural lakes and hillocks surrounded by tea gardens. The climate of Silchar during July is delightful, with an average temperature of around 20-250C. NIT Silchar is a fully residential institution with nine hostels for boys and three hostels for girls. NIT Silchar is a teaching and research institute which steps in the various national and international ranking frameworks.

Date of the conference: 21st & 22nd March 2024

Speakers of the Previous conferences Playing

Dr.Dhilsha Rajapan,
Scientist-G, NIOT
Dr. Sunil David
Regional Director, AT & T
Dr. Srikrishnan
Dr. Jenq-Tay (J.T.) Yuan, Ph.D.,
Fu Jen Catholic University
Professor, School of Computer Science, VIT
Mr A K Pattabiraman
Head, Accreditation at Tata Consultancy Services
Mr Sai Penumuru
AIOUG Co-Founder & President | Oracle ACE Director Oracle Groundbreaker Ambassador Bengaluru
Mr Sujith Kumar
Location Head – Human Resources & Sr Manager- Business Partner, Infosys Ltd, Chennai
Dr Ibrahima Faye
Associate Professor Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia
Dr Abdullah Uz Tansel
Professor, Paul H. Chook Dept. of Information Systems and Statistics, Baruch College CUNY, USA