The B.E. / B.Tech. programs are of 8 semesters (4 year) duration. The examination is conducted by Anna University and evaluation is as per the norms of the University.
Performance for each course will be evaluated based on
- Continuous internal assessment throughout the semester and
- University exam at the end of the semester.
For all the theory and practical courses, other than project work, the continuous internal assessment will be 20 marks, while the university examination will carry 80 marks. Performance in each course of study will be evaluated based on
- Continuous assessment throughout the semester
- University examination at the end of the semester
For all theory and practical courses, the continuous internal assessment will carry 20 marks while the University examinations will carry 80 marks.
- A candidate who secures not less than 50% of the total marks prescribed for the courses, with a minimum of 45% of the marks in university examination, will be declared passed by the University.
- If a candidate fails to secure a pass in a particular course, it is mandatory that he/she register and reappear for the examination in that course during subsequent semester.
- The internal assessment marks obtained by the candidate in the first appearance will be retained and considered valid for all subsequent attempts.
- All assessment of a course will be done on absolute mark basis. However, the performance of a candidate will be reported by means of grades, as detailed below
The Grade sheet issued to each student will also contain, what is called Grade Point Average(GPA). GPA is calculated using the formula
GPA = sum of (credits of course enrolled x Grade Point)
For details of Regulation 2017,