Foundation Courses

Foundation Courses

The onslaught of technological avalanche is the value decay. The moral values are fast disappearing among the upcoming generation. All types of media such as cinema, television, radio, internet, cell phone, social network and others play a vital role in disfiguring the value system. The uncontrolled freedom has paved way to question everything including the basic morality and has led them to live as they wish. The fast moving life-style is not yielding time to understand the importance of values. But the truth is that values stand at the very core of human being and colors all the spheres of human activities. Values help us to grow and develop beautifully. They create our future. Values give the direction to our life. Values are general principles to regulate our day-to-day behaviour. They not only give direction to our behaviour but are also ideals and objectives in themselves. they express moral imperatives. They are the expression of the ultimate ends, goals or purposes of social action. Our values are the basis of our judgments about what is desirable, beautiful, proper, correct, important, worthwhile and good as well as what is undesirable, ugly, incorrect, improper and bad. We make decisions based on the set of values we uphold. The hundreds of decisions that we make each day are reflection of our values and beliefs.

In spite of the wide spread moral decadence and increase of crime, violence, free sex, divorces, bullying, gangsters, drugs, etc., most of the educational institution neglect to teach the value education. Many educational institutions have become very utilitarian and have the myopic vision of getting the job for the students. Let us not reduce the education to job hunting. I am sure, many will agree that it is more than the placement. Educating and inculcating moral values are imperative and the moral responsibilities of the educators. In fact, it is a crime to educate a student without laying the strong foundation of moral values. If we educate without the character formation, the student will become intelligent criminal only. Thus, we will be creating the Kingdom of Devil instead of Kingdom of God.

In any educational institute, moral values should be the foundation course. On this strong foundation various skill sets like life-coping skills, personal soft-skills, interpersonal soft-skills, communication skills, etc., should be built. Over and above this only the technical skills should be placed. This is the right way of shaping the young hearts and minds who will be forming the future of our country and the world. With this intention in our mind, we have framed the foundation course as the extracurricular content. We hope that it will churn out socially responsible engineers with a heart of compassion for the down-trodden and marginalized people in the society.

Rev Dr Justine SJ


Loyola Campus
Chennai 34