International Conference
Intelligent Systems and Vision Technology in Eye Care
(ISVTEC - 2025)
Paper Submission and Author Guidelines
- Abstract Length:
The abstract should be 250–300 words and provide a concise summary of the research problem, methodology, key findings, and significance. - Format:
Use 12pt Times New Roman, single spacing.
Do not include references or figures in the abstract.
Include title, author(s), affiliation(s), and 3–5 keywords. - Submission Process:
Abstracts must be submitted via the Microsoft CMT - Review Process:
Abstracts will undergo single-blind peer review for relevance, originality, and clarity.
Accepted abstracts will be invited for full paper submission. - Notification of Acceptance:
Authors will be notified of the acceptance status via email.
- Format:
Papers must be written in English and formatted according to the Springer LNCS template.
Templates for MS Word can be downloaded from Springer LNCS Guidelines. - Length:
Full papers should be 10 to 12 pages, including references, tables, and figures. - Originality:
The submission must be original and should not be under review elsewhere.
Plagiarism in any form will result in immediate rejection. - Submission Process:
Papers should be submitted via the Microsoft CMT - Review Process:
Papers will undergo double-blind peer review.
Authors must remove names, affiliations, and acknowledgments in the initial submission. - Final Camera-Ready Submission:
Accepted papers must be revised based on reviewer feedback and submitted in camera-ready format. - Publication:
All accepted and presented papers will be considered for publication in the following modes- published in Springer LNCS proceedings (Awaiting approval).
- Published in UGC/Scopus Indexed Journals (will be updated).
- Presentation Requirement:
At least one author must register and present at the conference for the paper to be included in the proceedings.