International Conference
Informatics and Smart Engineering Systems

Paper Submission and Author Guidelines

  1. Authors are advised to prepare their manuscripts should be prepared according to the Conference paper formatting guidelines (Word document) and add ORCID to their names in papers.
  2. The maximum number of pages is limited to 8.
  3. The figures / graphs / plots in the manuscript MUST be of good resolution (600 dpi or more), Tables should not be in picture format.
  1. Text in figures should be big enough to read, and preferably of equal size as text of the article.
  2. Figures, text, or the tables MUST be visible within boundary of the text area of the page and MUST NOT go beyond it.
  3. Do NOT use any Social / Academic titles (e.g. Mr.,Ms.,Dr.,Prof. etc) preceding the author names. Do NOT mention the position of a person (e.g., research scholar, student, assistant professor, professor, IEEE member, IEEE student member etc.) in the affiliation.
  4. Mention full address, affiliation, and email of ALL authors, specify a corresponding author with the corresponding e-mail ID. [Once an article is accepted, the publisher will send the proofread article to this e-mail]
  5. Every article must bear a self-composed independent single paragraph as Abstract, which MUST NOT bear any citation or reference. Abstract MUST not have a section number.
  6. Articles should be appropriately spell-checked and be written in grammatically correct English.
  7. All references, figures, and tables should be numbered in sequence starting from 1 and MUST be duly cited / referred within the text.
  8. Adhere to page size as prescribed by the template, do not manually alter any of these parameters.
  9. Verify the referencing style, which will help to produce correct reference format. A reference should bear following parameters in proper format: author name(s), title of article/book, conference/journal name, volume, issue, page numbers, and publication year.


Any article, not in format, will be subjected to rejection without any judgment on its quality. The articles should be own work of the authors. If any work is referred from others (or some other work by the author), proper acknowledgement should be given. Plagiarism of any type, if detected, will lead to rejection of the articles anytime.

  1. Follow the link and submit your article properly mentioning article title, authors’ names and other relevant details.
  2. Create / sign up for an Microsoft CMT account if you do not have one.
  3. Fill proper metadata of the article in Microsoft CMT as they exist in your article. Title, Abstract, Keywords, list of authors (in order) and their affiliation should be mentioned in Microsoft CMT while submitting.
  4. You will be assigned a unique article ID of your submitted article, which should be used in further correspondence.
  5. Article should be minimum of 6 pages and should not exceed 8 pages.

  6. You need not upload editable source files (.doc or .docx or LaTeX files) for review. Submit single PDF files only. If your article is selected, you will later be asked for the source files.

  7. Review decision will be e-mailed to authors.
  8. No offline submission request through e-mail or surface mail will be entertained. Offline submissions will lead to outright rejection without any review or validating the quality of the article.
  1. Preparing and uploading of the Camera Ready Article: The final camera-ready copy of the papers must be in the appropriate format with a length of maximum 8 pages. It is desired that maximum number of pages in an article should not exceed 8 pages in any circumstance. Check Step A: Manuscript preparation above for formatting the camera ready article. Upload camera-ready PDF on to the Microsoft CMT, and submit source file(s).
  2. Paying Registration fees: Calculate the registration fee according to your type of authorship and willingness for Scopus indexed journal publication, as directed in REGISTRATION page and make payment using NEFT Transfer. Do not forget to keep the pay-in-slip or Challan or online payment receipt. You need the scanned copy of it to complete next steps.
  1. Filling up of the Registration Form: After payment, authors have to fill up the Online Registration form that will be sent by the conference chair.
  2. Copyright form, as demanded by the Conference chair will have to be given.
  3. Post-conference, intimation regarding the processing of extended versions will be given.