29-11-2021 Panel Discussion
We conducted a Panel Discussion on ‘Science, Translation, Research, Incubation, and Commercialization- A Continuum’ on the 29th of November which was a big boon to all the students.
Li-ion Batteries (Basics, Challenges & Research)
The department of EEE in collaboration with Loyola Alumni Association – USA Chapter presents a webinar on Li-ion Batteries.
Demo On Build Your Own Home Theatre
The department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering is organizing an event on building your own home theatre for school students and the general public too. Date: 20th August 2021 Time: 4.00 to 5.00 PM
Student Orientation Programme 2021
Faculty Orientation Programme: EEE
The Department of EEE is conducting their Faculty Orientation Programme on the 14th of August, 2021 from 9.00 AM to 1.00 PM.
Sports Personalities (EEE Department)
We proudly present to you our Sports Personalities from the department of EEE, and wish each and everyone the best of luck for their future in sports!
Electrifying Young Minds
Webinar on Modelling and Simulation of Smart Grid and Smart Electric Vehicles
The department of EEE in association with MathWorks is organizing a webinar on Modelling and Simulation of Smart Grid and Hybrid Electric Vehicles on the 22nd and 23rd of July from 11.30 am to 12.30 pm.
University Rank Holders: Department of EEE
Department of EEE presents to you it’s University Rank Holders from batches 2011-15, 2012-16, 2013-17, 2014-18, 2016-20
ELECTRA FEST: A day of inspiration and creativity
The department of EEE presents ELECTRA FEST, an event for +1, +2, and engineering students on the 14th of June, 2021 from 10 AM to 12 PM. E certificates will be provided.