Provincial’s desk


In accordance with the words of Jesus, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me’, Jesuits are serving God by choosing to serve the poor and the needy. Jesuits are the pioneers in many fields including education. Deeply realizing the fact that ‘the collapse of education is the collapse of the nation’, Jesuits started to offer quality education to the marginalized and continued to choose to empower the marginalized through education in order to make the world a better place.

In a fast-developing world where new sets of skills need to be acquired constantly with the upgradation of knowledge, students are to be formed to take up challenges and to adapt to changing situations. Being conscious of this, LICET focuses on providing a wholesome education: technical education, a combination of both theory blended with industrial exposure with orientation in soft skills. Academic excellence is always paired with student formation. The team of qualified and committed faculty at LICET, complemented with modern technology and well-equipped laboratories, helps enhance the learning standard of our students, thus forming engineers with creativity, competence, commitment and compassion to engineer a just society.

Since the inception of LICET, it has marched forward successfully, creating responsible engineers to serve the society. We have our alumni around the world spreading the fragrance of LICET in the corner they are placed. The good work that has started will shine as the light of sun moving towards noon day. I wish all the students who have chosen to pursue their education at LICET, a very happy and successful learning experience. God bless.


Rector’s Desk

‘All for the greater glory of God’ is the sole purpose of the Society of Jesus. The Society of Jesus was founded in 1540 by St Ignatius of Loyola with the approval of Pope Paul III. St Ignatius of Loyola had gathered around him an energetic band of well-educated men who desired nothing more than to help others find God in their lives. It was Ignatius’ original plan that the Jesuits be travelling missionaries who would preach and administer the people wherever there was the hope of accomplishing the greater good. Since its foundation the Order has grown from the original ten to more than 15,000 Jesuits worldwide.

From the very beginning, the Society of Jesus served the people of God in Europe as well as in Asia, Africa and the Americas. Saints like, St Francis Xavier, St John de Britto, and so many holy people have spearheaded the mission of the people of God in India and all over the world. Courageous missionaries like Robert de Nobili, Peter Claver, Roch González, Jean de Brébeuf, and Eusebio Kino brought the good news to the ends of the earth.

Very soon after the foundation of the Society the Jesus, it became clear to St Ignatius of Loyola that education offered the greatest possible service to the young and by teaching the message of service to others. And so, many educational institutions began to be founded. Jesuit institutions focus on the integral formation of individuals with academic, spiritual and human values. The “Ratio Studiorum” or “Guide to Education” evolved by the Jesuits in 1599 remains as a universal code for education. 

Loyola – ICAM College of Engineering and Technology is a new venture of the Jesuits of Chennai Province to make technical education accessible to all without compromise on academic excellence. LICET nurtures building industry–institution interface. The institute creates an atmosphere for the over-all growth of students. LICET, with excellent infrastructure, is making all genuine efforts to form engineers to engineer a just society.

Rev. Dr. Antony Robinson, SJ.

Director’s Desk


A LICET engineer is formed under the foundations of Jesuit pedagogy and are pillared by four areas namely Academics, Industry exposure, Holistic formation and International exposure. Therefore, it is expected that LICET engineer grows to be unique at the end of the four years of his or her life in LICET. He or she is not one among many but the unique one among the many. These pillars draw the source from the Jesuit higher education pedagogy which is ‘forming men and women for others’. A LICET engineer not only thinks of his or her life but also looks around and while he or she admiring the grandeur of God’s creation, tries to co-create and engineer a world where every human person gets a space and chance to contribute for a better life.

Academics are not merely for passing or getting marks though passing with minimum marks is a basic requirement for the Indian educational system. But academic would also mould a person into an expert in a particular discipline. A sound knowledge in subject would be a requirement for a graduate to become eligible to be employed in the industry. LICET follows the syllabus prescribed by the university. Besides, it also looks into the skill part of the students providing them with extra coaching classes and modules. Students are encouraged to take up these modules so that they have add on abilities at the end of their formation to face the challenges with confidence. The LICETIAN would always aim for magis – higher, wider, deeper and farther.

Rev Dr S Sebastian SJ

Director General's Desk (ICAM)

ICAM is an engineering “grande ecole” with more than 5,000 engineering students. The institution was founded in 1898 in France by industrialists and the Jesuit Society. The initial center (named Institut Catholique d’Arts et Métiers) developed on towards engineering education as well as engineering services provided to the industry. The institution is strongly rooted in its Ignatian Pedagogy and its industrial background. Since the beginning of the 21st century, ICAM is on the way to becoming an international and multicultural group of engineering schools.ICAM is now distributed across 11 campuses, 6 in France, 3 in Africa, 1 in India and 1 in Brazil.

Since 2008, ICAM is then part of Loyola ICAM College of Engineering and Technology project, bringing to the institution his knowledge in engineering pedagogy, in professionalization and international exposure. Icam also contributed to the financing of the construction of Loyola ICAM College and the equipment of its laboratories. Some industrial partners of ICAM allocate grants for the indian first learner generation each year.
The complexity of running multiple campuses in different geographical areas has lead ICAM to develop a very robust governance system. ICAM aims at pursuing its development abroad by welcoming new members to the ICAM Group, establishing new campuses within existing Jesuit Universities.

Mr Gilles Vandecaveye