Plant Sapling by LEAF Cell
Join in for the Plant Sapling held by the LEAF Cell of LICET on the 2nd of November, 2021 at 11.00 AM
AI for Electric Vehicle
Saving the best and for the last, “Al for electric vehicle” is the last session for this workshop. Register for the event that’s to be held on 30th October. For offers contact Team Aquila. Happy learning!!!!
Virtual Visit to the IITM Bioincubator
Make A Difference club of LICET is conducting a session for a virtual visit to IITM’s incubation center!
Charge – The Ultimate EV Workshop
A Design Workshop on the introduction to sketching and designing using Solidworks will be conducted on the 23rd of October, 2021 from 10 to 1.
Article Writing Contest – LEAF cell
The ECO club of LICET is conducting an article writing contest titled, “If Pages Could Talk”. Deadline for submission is the 13th of October.
Faculty Orientation Programme on ‘Importance of Outcome Based Education in Engineering Education’
The Internal Quality Assurance Cell and HR Services are jointly organizing a ‘Faculty Orientation Programme on Importance of Outcome Based Education in Engineering’ Date: 27th & 28th September 2021 Time: 3.00 – 4.30 pm
Virtual Placement Drive – Mphasis
Happy Engineer’s Day!
“Science is discovering the essential truths about what exists in the Universe, engineering is about creating things that never existed.”
Hexaware Virtual Placement Drive
All the best to all the students attending the virtual Placement Drive by Hexaware!
Demise of Fr Andrew Francis SJ
Let us pray that his soul may rest in peace and ask the Almighty to bless and comfort his family at this time of grief.