Central Library

LICET Central library spreads over an area of 512 sqm with two floors. It has specialized
collections of books, journals subject specialisation in Science and Humanities, Engineering and
Technology, and back volumes of Journals and Non Book Materials like CDs\DVDs. The Central
Library subscribes to national and international journals in print and e-Journals (IEEE and
Science Direct). The library has a NPTEL video contents. Central Library is using AutoLib
software for Library automation and WEB-OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue) facility.

Electronic journals
- Classification – Dewy Decimal Classification (DDC)
- Cataloguing – Anglo American Cataloguing Rules (AACR 2)
- Provision of Web OPAC Information Management
- Circulation Management – Bar coded user cards
- Online reservation can be done for a book, which is already lent out. Reserved books are kept separately in the circulation counter for 1 day for each member. The reservation lapses automatically after a day and the next person gets the chance.
- Renewals is allowed only when there is no claim by others. It is done only when the book is physically brought to the library for stamping the due date
- Circulation Section manages issuing, renewing and return of books
- The privilege of borrowing books from the library is restricted to the LICET community only
- Faculty and student can enroll as library members by filling the membership application form & submitting the same along with photocopies of the institutional ID card
- Students should submit the membership application after obtaining their multipurpose institutional identity card
- OPAC Login can be done with Student ID and Password
- Students should personally borrow books at the Circulation Counter
- The member should present his/her ID card when borrowing books, failing which they are refused to issue books
Reference books, serial publications, reserved books, thesis & dissertations, CD/DVD, loose issues & bound volumes of periodicals are not for circulation.
The members can approach at the enquiry desk for any query and get help regarding the library collections, catalogue, and availability of any document or any other facility of the Library.
All bonafide members are entitled to access electronic resources through campus network. However, bulk copying, systematic downloading or use of such electronic materials for commercial purposes and other such usages which are in violation of IPR rules or other relevant rules and regulations of the country, is strictly prohibited. Strict actions will be taken, if any breach of law is detected.
Central library provides photocopy services through commercial vendor within the library and college premises on payment basis.
- Faculty – Eligibility 4 ( 5 months)
- Students – Eligibility 2 ( 15 days )
- Faculty – Eligibility 4 ( 5 months)
- Students – Eligibility 2 ( 5 months)
- After due date, per day One rupee per book
- After due date, per day (Department Library) Rs.5 per book
- Monday to Friday – 7.30 am to 7.00 pm
- Book issue and return/renewal – 7.45 am to 5.00 pm
- The above rules are intended to regulate the use of Library resources and will be reviewed periodically to meet the changing needs
- Any changes in the rules or instructions or information to members will be notified on the library Notice Board as and when required
Dr. S. Gunasekaran


C.jhon Britto