Science & Humanities

Chemistry Laboratory
Supports student project and research work of staff.

Physics Laboratory
Extending support to project and research work, system discovery.
Department of CSE

Centre Of Excellence In Machine Learning

Open Source Laboratory

Computer Networks Laboratory

Language Laboratory

Software Development Laboratory

ICT Centre (Neverware Cloud Ready – Google Chromium)

Central Computing Facilities

Server Room

Hardware Project Lab
Project Work, Mini Project, System Discovery and System Analysis
Department of ECE

Electronics Lab
Students acquire basic knowledge on electronic devices and Circuits in this lab.

Microprocessor Lab
The various microprocessor/ micro controller kits and add-on boards available in this lab are utilized to carry out regular practical sessions and projects.

DSP &VLSI Design Lab
The students are trained to design digital circuits using hardware description languages and implement them on FPGAs.

Computer Networks Lab
In Network Laboratory the conceptual and behavioral aspects of wired and wireless networks are analyzed and studied.

RF & Microwave Lab
In Microwave Lab the students are introduced to microwave active devices.
Department of EEE

Electrical Machines Laboratory-I
Facilitates the study of all DC electrical machines including special machines. The lab is equipped with DC Shunt Motor# DC Shunt Generator, DC Shunt Motor# DC Series Generator, DC Shunt Motor# DC compound Generator, DC Shunt, series & compound Motor, DC Shunt Motor# Alternator, DC Shunt Motor #Synchronous Motor, BLDC Motor, Lab Rectifier 100A Capacity

Electrical Machines Laboratory-II
Facilitates the study of all AC electrical machines. The lab is equipped with Three Phase Squirrel Cage & Slip ring induction motor, 3Φ Synchronous Motor, DC Shunt Motor# Alternator, DC Shunt Motor #Synchronous Motor, Single & three phase induction motor, transformers, Auto transformers, Various loads, Machine Models, Various ranges of Voltmeters, Ammeters, Wattmeter’s, Power factor Meters, Lab Rectifier 100 A capacity.

Power Electronics Laboratory
This Laboratory, has got equipment to study all power electronics apparatus and A.C. and D.C. drives. The lab houses power electronic training kits, chopper &Inverter control units, thyristor controllers, DSO, LCR and multimeters. This lab aids in learning various modulation techniques of PWM inverters.

Power System Simulation Laboratory
Provides Computer based study of power system, control systems and power electronics using latest simulation packages. Intranet provision for all conference papers, model aptitude tests, technical advancements etc. are provided to the students.

Control & Instrumentation Laboratory
Facilitates the study of control systems and its components along with all types of transducers. Control Systems Laboratory also presents facilities of computing and simulation through MATLAB and demonstration on FEEDBACK designed equipment. Students are equipped with the fundamental ideas and principles that underpin modern engineering practice

Electric Circuits Laboratory
Has got equipment’s, devices and ICs for the study of electronics and related topics. Facilitates the study of design of electronic circuits and verification of basic laws and theorems. The lab is equipped with Digital Storage Oscilloscope, Cathode Ray Oscilloscope, Function Generator, Regulated Power Supply, Digital LCR Meter, Energy meter and Digital Multimeter

Renewable Energy Laboratory
This laboratory facilitates the study and design of solar, wind & fuel cell based renewable energy systems. The lab is equipped with standalone and grid connected solar PV system, Digital Storage Oscilloscope, Cathode Ray Oscilloscope, Function Generator, Regulated Power Supply, Digital Energy meter and Digital Multimeter.

Engineering Practice Laboratory
Facilitates the study of Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics’ Engineering. In this laboratory the basic experiments like measurements of voltage, current, power and power factor in single phase supply, residential wiring, lamp wiring and energy measurement are conducted.
Department of MECH

Engineering Practices Laboratory
Experiments were conducted in civil and mechanical engineering concepts such as plumbing, carpentry, sheet metal work, welding and simple lathe machining.

Manufacturing Technology Laboratory
In manufacturing technology lab I, various machining operations such as turning, step turning, taper turning, thread cutting, knurling, drilling, etc.
In manufacturing technology lab II, various machining operations such as milling, surface grinding, cylindrical grinding, tool grinding, etc.

Fluid Mechanics And Machinery Laboratory
Students calculate flow rate using flow meters such as venturimeter, orificemeter and rotameter. Students conduct performance test on rotodynamic pumps, positive displacement pumps, impulse and reaction turbines.

Strength Of Materials Laboratory
Students are taught to measure the various mechanical properties such as harness, impact strength, tensile strength, compressive strength, shear strength, stiffness.

Thermal Engineering Laboratory
In thermal engineering lab I, students learn to conduct performance test and heat balance test under different loading like mechanical, hydraulic and electrical loading.
In thermal engineering lab II, students learn the basic heat transfer concepts such as conduction, convection and radiation and also analyze the heat transfer concepts.

Dynamics Laboratory
Students are taught to measure damped and undamped vibrations and do experiments in various governing mechanisms.

Metrology And Measurements Laboratory
Students calibrate various machining instruments and also measure torque, force, surface finish, flatness, and various linear and angular measurements for the given specimen

C.A.D. / C.A.M. Laboratory
In CAD lab, students are taught to create solid assembly models using design softwares such as solid works and creo parametric.
In CAM lab students learn CNC part programming in CNC lathe and CNC vertical milling machine in FANUC platform.

Mechatronics Laboratory
Students will learn about mechanical, electrical and electronics system as an amalgamation known as mechatronics. Students also learn various simulation software such as automation studio, LABVIEW, and mat lab for better usage and application of mechatronics concepts.
Department of IT

Data Structures Lab
Academic Lab Courses, Workshops, Placement Exams, Placement Training, First Year Computer Lab

Academic Lab Courses,Mini projects

Case Tools Lab
Android Skill Development, Value added course , Mini Projects

Center For Intelligent Systems
Value added course, Skype Interactions, Spoken Tutorial

Hardware Project Lab
System Discovery, ANNA EDUSAT Program, Hardware Projects