

“The five S’s of sports training are stamina, speed, strength, skill, and spirit; but the greatest of these is spirit” says Ken Doherty. In accordance with this saying LICET trains the students to fight and compete with a spirit of sportsmanship. Students in LICET are given ample opportunity to explore the star within themselves and develop it further to fruition. Many of the students have tried their hand at Sports but some were highly successful achieving accolades and honours shining in the firmament of LICET. True to the saying, “Champions keep playing until they get it right, success is where preparation & opportunity meet.” Our students perspired to scale great heights.




At zonal level, the LICET Cricket Team secured second place in zone 3. Jim Israel of III IT , Kaushik of II IT, Affan of II Mech, Sachin of I IT , Chaman of IV Mech and Vignesh of I CSE were handpicked from many others for the inter-zonal tournament.
basketball ring


Ramkumar of IV Mech and Nitish Steve of III IT were looped in to represent the Inter Zonal tournament. Among the girls Sowmya Elizabeth of IV EEE was selected to play in the inter-zonal match.


N.Rohit of II Mech was selected to represent at the inter-zonal level. S Lavanya of II CSE & V.Shruthi Narayani III IT aced the inter-zonal securing first place among 540 colleges.


M.Gokul of I IT and Allan Emma of IV Mech were chosen for the Inter-Zonal tournament.


Vishal Vasudevan of I IT was selected among the boys for the Inter-zonal tournament.

T.Meena of II EEE was picked among the girls to represent in the Inter-Zonal tournament.


Ganesh Kumar of II EEE was selected to play for the inter-zonals

Table Tennis

Table Tennis duo won the third position at zonal level. Kritika Ramesh of IV IT was selected for the inter zonals. G.Kaushik of I CSE strained enough to get into the Inter Zonals.
soccer ball


Dinesh.A of IV CSE and Vincent Antony.V of III Mech walked into the Inter-Zonal team by sheer hard work.


S. Dinesh IV Year Mech selected to play for inter zonal.


The Men’s Athletic team bagged a prestigious fourth place in a zone 3 competition.

Mishal Ahamed of I Mech secured 3rd place for high jump.


The Women’s Athletic team was no ordinary competitors; they had bagged III position in their competition. The awardees were, Meena of II EEE secured the bronze medal in the 200mts Sanderine Martha of II Mech won the silver medal in the High Jump Damius Chrisma of II ECE stood third in Discus Throw Lavanya.S of II CSE, Kavya of III EEE, Shanmathi of II IT, Juliana of III CSE bagged the bronze medal in the 4X400mts relay with extraordinary team work.

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