Electronics and Communication Engineering

Electronics Lab
Students acquire basic knowledge on electronic devices and Circuits in this lab.

Microprocessor Lab
The various microprocessor/ microcontroller kits and add-on boards available in this lab are utilized to carry out regular practical sessions and projects

Computer Networks Lab
In Network Laboratory the conceptual and behavioral aspects of wired and wireless networks are analyzed and studied.

DSP and VLSI lab
The DSP processors TMS320C5X series ADSP 21XX series and MATLAB software are used to make the students understand the applications of signal processing. The students are trained to design digital circuits using hardware description languages and implement them on FPGAs.

Digital Lab
In Digital Laboratory the conceptual and behavioral aspects of wired and wireless networks are analyzed and studied.

Advanced Communication Lab
The Advanced Communication Laboratory is equipped with state-of-the-art tools and components to explore advanced concepts in optical, wireless, and microwave communication.

IoT Lab
The students can interface sensors and monitor information in a cloud environment through development modules such as Arduino, Raspberry Pi, and ESP8266. The lab is utilized by undergraduate ECE, IT, CSE and Mechanical Engineering students. IoT – based projects can also be implemented using the available facilities.

The department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, has set up an Industry-sponsored lab by Intel Corporation, USA with the following FPGA based hardware and software provided under Intel FPGA academic program.
- Altera DE1-SoC
- Altera DE2-115
- Altera Open Vino OSK-GT
- Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition