Electrical and Electronics Engineering
About us
value added courses
The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering offers the following value added courses to the students to enhance their practical knowledge.
System Discovery
Department of EEE
System Analysis
Department of EEE
Reverse Engineering
Department of EEE
Matlab for Electrical Engineers
Department of EEE
Refrigeration & Airconditioning
Energy Awareness Program
Spoken Tutorial
Robotic Arm design/ Arduino/ AC/DC drives / Electronic Circuits Design
Robotic Arm design/ Arduino/ AC/DC drives / Electronic Circuits Design
Value Added Course on Bluetooth controlled robotic arms using a Mobile Application was given to the students of III EEE from 16th to 18th March. Mr Ayaz Shaik, CEO Director and Mr Syed Sameeullah, CTO, Enarxi Innovations Pvt. Ltd. were the resource person. Fourty nine students got benefited.
Hands on Training on Air Conditioning in Association with Industrial Partner Daikin
Two Day Worshop was organized for 37 students of EEE Department on, Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning for Electrical Engineers at Daikin CoE, LICET by Mr.Y.Askok, Deputy Manager Customer Service, Regional Service Trainer, DAIKIN
Introduction of Software for Power System Engineering
Matlab Programming for Electrical Engineering
PCB Training
Embedded Controls
IoT using ESP32
Future Directions
- To establish a research centre and promote patents
- Energy auditing and promoting green house
- Signing of MOU with leading industries