Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Recent Achievements
The following students from the Batch 2020-24 are shortlisted in the Niral Thiruvizha 2024 organized by Anna University under the Naan Mudhalvan Scheme.
TOPIC | Students Details | Mentor |
Enhancing Public Safety with Surveillance Drones | Aasif.J, Alphen Xavier Anton, Aswin. K, Sujeeth Antony Jerald | Ms. G.Annie Nance, AP/EEE |
Intelligent Healthcare system for automated Leg Injury recognition, Severity Assessment, and specialist acknowledgment | Alfred Jerome.G, Jino Abishek. A, Kithika. V, Kishore Kumar A | Mr. A. Infantraj, HoD/EEE |
Revolutionizing Home Waste Management | Nithish.R, Prasath S, Premkumar M, Yesu Raghul.J | Dr.A. Inbarexy, ASP/EEE |
ECOHARVEST | Manoj Prasath R S, Satish M S, Suthir T, Theodore B | Dr.A. Santhi Mary Antony,AP/EEE |
We are thrilled to announce our Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE) students, Deivadharshan U and Selvaemi M of Go kart team of Turbonites had the chance to participate in go kart challenge organized by AIMS at Hindustan College of Technology, Coimbatore,channelling their enthusiasm and innovation

Congratulations to Saranya of I EEE for securing the Champions trophy in the Sairam state level inter-collegiate badminton tournament! Your hard work, dedication, and skill have truly paid off, and we’re incredibly proud of your achievement! Keep shining on the court!
Celebrating Exceptional Achievements at National Talent Fest, SHRUJANA ’23!
2nd Runner-Up: Students from Loyola-ICAM College of Engineering and Technology and Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management. They receive a cash award of INR 25,000.

All Girls Electric Two-Wheeler Design Team participated in Electric Two-Wheeler Design Competition conducted by SAE on July 22nd and 23rd 2023 at Rajalakshmi Engineering College. We won 3rd place in Design Presentation
All Girls Electric Two-Wheeler Design Team participated in Electric Two-Wheeler Design Competition conducted by SAE at SRM University

All Girls Electric Two-Wheeler Design Team displayed their vehicle in Umagine 2023
Student Achievements


Mr Vignesh
Avid Reader 2020-21

Ms Bharathi
(CGPA: 8.94 Rank Position: 13)
Valedictorian 2019-20

Ms Rachael Ebenezer
(CGPA: 9.08 Rank Position: 13)
Valedictorian 2020-21

Ms Mahitha Angeline Ashok
LICET Star 2014-15

S.No. | Name of the Student | Year of Passing | University Rank |
1 | Ms. Rachael Ebinezer | 2021 | 13th Rank |
2 | Ms. Bharathi | 2020 | 13th Rank |
3 | Ms.A.Sharon Teresa Antony | 2018 | 33rd Rank |
4 | Ms. P.Asmitha Singh | 2017 | 48th Rank |
5 | Ms. P. Jasmine Mary Zanthiya | 2016 | 32nd Rank |
6 | Ms. S. Subhalakshmi | 2016 | 32nd Rank |
7 | Ms. R. Rithika | 2016 | 36th Rank |
8 | Ms. R. Aishwarya Snowji | 2015 | 15th Rank |
9 | Ms. A. Angela Sheril | 2015 | 46th Rank |
Guest Lectures
2023 – 2024
- The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering and Mechanical Engineering Department has jointly conducted Guest Lecture on Opportunities in Defence by Prof V.Anto Director, Netaji Bose Defence Academy, Coimbatore for the students of IV-year EEE.
- The Department of EEE had organized a guest lecture for III year EEE students on, Sensor technologies in Autonomous Vehicles by Mr.Dhanasekar C, Hardware Team Leader, Valeo.
- The Department of EEE had organized a guest lecture for IV year EEE students on “Future of Mobility” by Mr.B.C.Datta, VICE President, OLA Electric.
2022 – 2023
- The II, III & IV year EEE students attended a Guest Lecture titled ‘Digital Trends and Engineering Demand for the Industry’ The Guest speaker was Mr. D. Prem Kumar, Enterprise Architect, Tata Consultancy Services, Thoraipakkam, Chennai.
- The II, III & IV year EEE students attended a Guest Lecture titled ‘E – Drill your Skills to be a Core Engineer’ by Mr. G.M.Vishuram, Managing Director, Emmar Electricals, Chennai .
- The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering organized a Guest Lecture on Circuit Model and Analysis, Motor Selection for Electric Vehicle for the students of II- & III-year EEE by Dr. Ragavan Kanagaraj, Associate Professor, Electrical Engineering, IIT,Gandhinagar
- Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering conducted a Guest Lecture titled Transition towards Smart Grid for the students of III and IV EEE. The guest speaker, Dr V. Gomathi, Associate Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, College of Engineering Guindy, Anna University, Chennai, delivered the lecture.
- Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering conducted a Guest Lecture titled Energy Conservation methodology. The Guest speaker was Mr Gokul, After Sales, Vestas, and EC member of IAEMP..
- Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering and Electrical Engineers League (EEL) conducted a Guest Lecture titled Energy Audit Fundamentals, Methodologies and Case studies. The Guest speaker was Mr Gokul, After Sales, Vestas, and EC member of IAEMP.
- Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering and Electrical Engineers League (EEL) jointly conducted a Guest Lecture titled Energy Conservation opportunities in Electrical and Mechanical Utilities. The Guest speaker was Mr Gokul, After Sales, Vestas, and EC member of IAEMP.
2023 – 2024
- Clawerence, Blessy Vini, Allwyn Felix, Gopikashree, and Dipana of I year EEE attended 2 day Hands-on On Workshop on IoT and 3D Printing workshop hosted by LICET Pattarai.
- V of I year EEE has organized Robotics Workshop jointly with UNICEF (Codebotics) & US Consulate for Higher Secondary Students of Government School.
2022 – 2023
- Priyanka K, Logaratchaki.M, Jean Roderick, Naresh, Ronnie Pradeep and Bhuvaneshwari.C of II year EEE has participated in Vehicle Building Workshop event of Takshashila 2023 at Chennai Institute of Technology, Chennai.
- Priadharshni S.,Raymond A. and Trisha K. of II year EEE, attended a two days workshop RC plane building in MIT campus, Chrompet.
- K, Logaratchaki.M and Bhuvaneshwari.C of II year EEE has participated in the UAV workshop held at MIT, Chennai
- 10 students from the department of EEE participated in leadership programme held at LIBA
- Trisha K. and Priadharshni S. of II EEE attended a two days workshop on Autonomous Drone Development Competition 2023 conducted by SAEINDIA in KCG College of Technology.
- Twenty Four students of II year EEE attended awareness session on Drone by Mr Leo Peter Charles organized at LICET
- Sixteen students of EEE department attended workshop on, Innovations in E-Mobility by RAPTEE Motors at LICET.
- Serafin Infanta and V.P. Naveen of III year EEE participated in workshop, EV Design in MATLAB, in NIT, Trichy.
- Aasif, Ashwin, Timothy and Manoj Kumar of III EEE participated in consultancy work under Amrit Bharath Station Scheme executed by Gati Shakthi unit of MAS division. The students did a detailed field survey works for 3 days on the Guindy Station.
- Siva Bharathi and Sairam Vignesh of EEE department attended, a webinar on, A session on LBC and requirements for the final exhibition
Online Courses
2023 – 2024
- Jishnuraj K of III – year EEE has completed a course on “Control Systems”.
- Afrida Ajaz of IIIyear EEE has completed a course on Medical Image Analysis : A 4 week self paced course on NPTEL
- Priadharshni S of II year EEE completed NPTEL Course on Electric Vehicles – Part 1
Benita Johnson of IIIyear EEE has completed a course on Industry 4.0 And Internet Of Things: A 12 week course on NPTEL
2022 -2023
- Teanaa Sherli IV yr EEE Completed Introduction and Programming with IoT Boards through coursera
- Siva Bharathi V, IV yr EEE, Completed the self-paced training course MATLAB Onramp through Matlab
- Abishake Franklin.R.S. of II year EEE. has completed a course on Basics of Programmable Logic : FPGA Architecture by Intel Learning
- Ambika Mondel of II year EEE. has completed a course on Basics of Programmable Logic : FPGA Architecture by Intel Learning
- Ambika Mondel of II year EEE. Has completed a course on “University Self-Guided Lab: Becoming an FPGA designer.
- Arcelin Stecy of II year EEE has completed a course on Basics of Programmable Logic : FPGA Architecture by Intel Learning
- Arcelin Stecy of II-year EEE has completed a course on “University Self-Guided Lab: Becoming an FPGA designer.
- Benita Johnson of II-year EEE has completed a course on Basics of Programmable Logic: FPGA Architecture by Intel Learning
- Benita Johnson of II-year EEE has completed a course on “University Self-Guided Lab: Becoming an FPGA designer.
- Bhuwaneshwari of II-year EEE has completed a course on Basics of Programmable Logic: FPGA Architecture by Intel Learning
- Bhuwaneshwari of II-year EEE has completed a course on “University Self-Guided Lab: Becoming an FPGA designer.
- Charulatha of II-year EEE has completed a course on Basics of Programmable Logic: FPGA Architecture by Intel Learning
- Charulatha of II-year EEE has completed a course on “University Self-Guided Lab: Becoming an FPGA designer.
- Theresline Rufina Joe of II-year EEE has completed a course on Basics of Programmable Logic: FPGA Architecture by Intel Learning
- Theresline Rufina Joe of II-year EEE has completed a course on “University Self-Guided Lab: Becoming an FPGA designer
PALS Activity & Hackathons
2023 – 2024
- LICET is honoured with the PALS Best Performance Award (2022-2023) for being the winners of Drone Hackathon, winners and runners of 3D Printing Hackathon, winners of IIT-M Resident Students Workshop project and for having 3 finalists shortlisted in Innowah competitions.
- Benita Sharon R, Bennet Vini R, Harshni R, Kirthika V, Kiruthika S, Monisha A, Alfred Jerome G, Kaesham J, Karthick G, Prasath, Sairam Vignesh G, Jayshree, Jency, Binu Joel, Daniel, Evan, and Aswin of IV year EEE has participated in a five week lecture sessions on Electric Vehicle conducted by PALS.
- 8 students of III year EEE are attending PALS Theory to practical (T2P) secession at IIT MADRAS
2022 – 2023
- Sairam Vignesh G of 3rd year EEE and SIVA BHARATHI of final year EEE have participated in PALS Innowah 2023, presented their idea in PYP round and has been selected for prototype making round
- Priadharshni S. and Trisha K of II EEE participated in 4 days PALS DRONE HACKATHON held at LICET
- Siva Bharathy of IV EEE and Sairam Vignesh of III EEE attended the huddle session as PALs Innowah Finalist team.
- Siva Bharathy.V of IV EEE has win third prize in Pals Innowah 2022 organized by IITM and a cash prize of Rs.3000.
- Sairam Vignesh G of 3rd year EEE and Siva Bharathi of final year EEE have participated in PALS Innowah Academic Led startup event during 2023. The team I-PUPS was selected and also invited for a start up by PALS.
- Kiruthika Selvam, Kaesham, Karthik G and Jino Abishek have participated in PALS TECH SPEAKS – Contribution of Nanomaterials to Beyond Li-Based Batteries and Hydrogen Energy Technologies.
Participation In Sports
2022 -2023
- E.Jack Marshal ,of II year EEE recived 2nd place in tennis men’s doubles which was held in IIT MADRAS
- E.Jack Marshal of II year EEE won 1st place in Bertram Tennis tournament which was held in Loyola campus
- Ms.S.Viveha, IV year, EEE has been selected for the Anna University team to represent South Zone Inter-University Tournament at Bangalore
- EEE Tennis Team secured Silver Medal in the Anna University Interzonal Tournament
- Jack Marshal of II year EEE has won Anna University zonals in Lawn Tennis conducted in LICET.