Computer Science and Engineering
About us
Events Organized

For further event details, scroll below.
Student Orientation
- The Department of Computer Science and Engineering organized student orientation programme for Third year students on 13th August 2024 on Mastering Time Management for a Balanced Life Style by Ms Kavitha Anbarasu, Entrepreneur and a session on A Complementary Approach to Mental Health by the Wellness Trainer Dr Nandha.

- The Department of Computer Science and Engineering organized student orientation programme for Final year students on 16th August 2024 Alumni Experiences and Placement guidance by Ms Steffi Arockia, Consultant Application Developer, Thoughtworks and session on Career @ GCCs :Strategies and Insights by Mr Alex Ezil Arasu,Developer,SAP Labs.

- The Department of Computer Science and Engineering organized student orientation programme for the first years under varied categories like IoT,Visual Editing and Graphic Design and Essentials of HTML,CSS and Javascript handled by Sairam,PhiloSanjay,Babu Viswa,Melvin Salvius,Merlyn,Juanita,Madhan Kumar,Hariharan,Afshann,Solaimuthu,Kabilan of second and third year .

Guest Lectures & Workshops
- The Department of Computer Science and Engineering inaugurated the ISTE Student Chapter for the Academic Year 2024-2025,Mr Sivaraman Arumugam,Associate Director,Digital Workplace(DWP)Analytics,Verizon presided over the ceremony and presented on the title Fostering Innovation and Creativity through Technical Education.ISTE members and other students participated in the event.
- The Department of Computer Science and Engineering organised a guest lecture on awareness of cyber security for the second CSE. Mr. Mavavannan Megavannan, Senior Principal Consultant, CyberFort was the session speaker.
- The Department of Computer Science and Engineering organised a guest lecture on Navigating Success in Studies and Placement Management for the second year CSE students. Mr. Justin Jocob Arunothoyam, HR Manager at Indium was the speaker of the session.

S No | Topic | Date | Resource Person | Target Audience | Mapped PO’s | Academic Year |
1 | Hands on Workshop on Software Testing and Automation | 10/02/2024 | Mr Sivakumar Chandran, Test Lead, Sword Global India Pvt Ltd | III Year CSE | PO1, PO5 | 2023-2024 |
2 | Hands On workshop on UI/Ux Design | 18/01/2024 | Mr Ganesh kumar, Product Designer, Vajra Technologies, Chennai | III Year CSE | PO1, PO5 | |
3 | Navigating Success in Studies and Placement Management | 10/01/2024 | Mr. Justin Jocob Arunothoyam, HR Manager at Indium | II Year CSE | PO10, PO12 | |
4 | Awareness on cyber security | 09/01/2024 | Mr Mavavannan Megavannan, Senior Principal Consultant, CyberFort | II Year CSE | PO1, PO3 | |
5 | Exploring CyberSecurity and Certification pathways | 01/11/2023 | Ms Kavitha Ayappan, Global Head – Compliance Risk and Audit Aspire Systems | III Year CSE | PO1, PO5 | |
6 | Power of Java Collections | 25/09/2023 | Dr J K Deepak Keynes, Team Lead, Cognizant Technologies, Coimbatore | II Year CSE | PO1, PO3, PO5 | |
7 | App Development using Flutter | 22/09/2023 | Mr C Cakston, Former Senior Flutter Developer, MWS Research Center | III Year CSE | PO1, PO3 and PO5 | |
8 | Importance of Global Certifications | 19/09/2023 | Mr Ranjit SenGupta, CEO, Vectra Technosoft Pvt Ltd | I Year CSE | PO5, PO12 | |
9 | Graduate School Admissions Conclave | 14/09/2023 | Mr Sriram Rangarajan, Learners Cortex | III Year CSE | PO10,PO12 | |
10 | Being a Professional Engineer | 19/09/2023 | Prince Simon Director, DTCC and Mr ChandraMouli, HR from DTCC | IV Year CSE | PO10, PO12 | |
11 | Industry Trends and Expectation | 07/09/2023 | Rex Mohan Kumar, Global Chief Enabler, KEFA Technologies Solutions | IV Year CSE | PO12 | |
12 | ICT Power Seminar on PowerBI | 25/07/2023 | Mr Baskar Dhanraj | III CSE | PO1, PO3 | |
13 | Cyber Psychology | 24/07/2023 | Ms Joe Nisha Aravind, Renowned Psychologist and Founder of Hopes Foundation | III CSE | PO12 | |
14 | Power of Internships in Placement Success | 24/07/2023 | Ms Janaki, Software engineer at Rocketlane Alumni Batch 2020 | III CSE | PO12 | |
15 | Unlocking high package placement through Technical Preparedness | 21/07/2023 | Mr Jithin S L, Customer Specialist, Data Analytics and AI, Google Middle East, Dubai | III CSE | PO1,PO12 | |
16 | IPR Awareness Session | 26/04/2023 | Ms Geetha, Women Scientist | II Year | PO12 | 2022-2023 |
17 | Insights from Alumni | 31/03/2023 | Mr Rishi Kumar, Commercial Pilot | III Year | PO6,PO9 and PO12 | |
18 | My Story – Motivational Session by Successful Startup founder | 16/02/2023 | Mr Garwin Lawerence, CEO, Coding Space | II Year | PO6,PO9 and PO12 | |
19 | Awareness on Open source Technologies | 01/03/2023 | Mr. Abdul Majeed Khan Redhat Architect Level – 11 | I Year | PO6,PO9 and PO12 | |
20 | College to Corporate Transition | 16/11/2022 | Mr Sharad Joshi and Mr Raman Kapil, Leadership Team of DTCC | III Year CSE and IT | PO6,PO9 and PO12 | |
21 | Overseas Higher Education | 07/10/2022 | Mr Sriram Rangaraj, Learners Cortex | III and IV year CSE | PO12 | |
22 | EICON Installation – Innovation and Entrepreneurship | 22/09/2022 | Mr Mohan, CEO & Co-Founder, IppoPay Technologies Pvt Ltd | II, III and IV Year CSE | PO6 and PO12 | |
23 | Awareness session on Data Center Virtualization and software defined networks | 18/05/2022 | Mr Abhijeeth Roy, Senior Partner Manager, Retail at VWare Software India Private Ltd | II and III Year CSE | PO1, PO5, PSO3 | 2021-2022 |
24 | Operating System Mgmt in Cloud Environment | 18/05/2022 | Mr Mahesh, Red Hat Certified Instructor and Mr Sriram, Red Hat Certified Instructor | II Year CSE | PO1 & PO5 | |
25 | Awareness on open source technologies and its career opportunities | 11/04/2022 | Mr Ranjit Sengupta, Director & COO, Vectra Technosoft Pvt Ltd | I Year CSE | PO1, PO5, PO6 | |
26 | Augmented and Virtual Reality | 09/04/2022 | Mr Andrew Nigel, Project Manager, Metavrse, Canada. Founder & CEO, XRit, Canada Mr Anup Paul Prakash, Technical Lead, Martinrea International, CoFounder and COO, XRit, Canada | II and III Year CSE | PO1, PO5 | |
27 | Preparing yourself for Campus Interviews | 28/03/2022 | Ms. Kavitha Kalaiselvi P, Founder and CEO, Talentegrity Consulting Services LLP Mr. Harihar S, Entrepreneur, Engineering Services & Solutionns | II and III Year CSE | PO1, PO10, PO12 | |
28 | Attitude decides Altitude | 24/02/2022 | Dr Paul Susheel, International Life Coach, PS Academy | I Year CSE | PO9,PO10, PO12 | |
29 | RHCSA awareness session | 28/01/2022 | Mr Babu, Sr Executive, Advantage Pro, Red Hat Academy | I Year CSE | PO1 | |
30 | Profile Building and Networking | 18/11/2021 | Mr R Vignesh, Associate Developer SAP Labs Pvt Ltd | I Year CSE | PO9, PO10 | |
31 | Innovations and Startup | 3/11/2021 | Mr K Shree Jayaram, Field Coordinator, MIT, IEDP | I Year CSE | PO6, PO12 | |
32 | Coding Skills | 3/11/2021 | Mr Rahul K Johnny, Alumni, B2019 | I Year CSE | PO1, PO3 and PO12, PSO1 | |
33 | Introduction to Network Models | 21/10/2021 | Mr.Manimaran CCNA S&R, CCNP encore certified professional, Skylark Information Technology | III Year CSE | PO1 and PO5 | |
34 | How to be an effective role player | 16/08/2021 | Mr. Benny Theodore, Assistant Vice President Organizational Development Equity Small Finance Bank Ltd. | II, III & IV year CSE | PO9 and PO12 | |
35 | Planning your career ahead. What is next? | 16/08/2021 | Panel Discussion, Batch 2017-21 Esther veronica Alex Ezhil Arasu Sime Josephine Victoria Sarah Prakriti Peters Aarthi Wilson Nancy Mathew | II, III & IV Year CSE | PO12 | |
36 | Leading through Adveristy | 16/08/2021 | Mr. Rajiv Chelladurai, Founder of Ergos mind | II, III & IV Year CSE | PO8 and PO12 | |
37 | Industry Academia Conclave: Passion How does that drive us | 15/04/2021 | Team of SAP Employees | II, III & IV Year CSE | PO1, PO3, PO12 | 2020-2021 |
38 | Industry Academia Conclave: Technology in Nation Building | 9/4/2021 | Mr P Aravindhan, I.P.S Superintendent of Police, Thiruvallur | II, III & IV Year CSE | PO6 and PO12 | |
39 | Industry Academia Conclave: Technology in Service | 9/4/2021 | Ms Jaya Raja Pauline M, Deputy Collector, Cuddalore | II, III & IV Year CSE | PO6 and PO12 | |
40 | PL/SQL: Real World Case Studies | 27/03/2021 | Ms Linciya Thomas, Senior Associate in Database 3i Infotech | II Year CSE | PO1 and PO3 | |
41 | Industry Academia Conclave: Future Trends and Opportunities | 26/03/2021 | Mr Aravind Kumar Ramanan, Specialist Application Management and SOA, SaskPower, Cananda | II, III & IV Year CSE | PO1,PO3, PO12 | |
42 | Industry Academia Conclave: Future Trends and Opportunities | 26/03/2021 | Ms Rajalaksmi Srinivasan, Director – Site24X7, Zoho | II, III & IV Year CSE | PO1, PO3, PO12 | |
43 | Tete-a-Tete | 12/10/2020 | Ms Vijayalakshmi, Agile Delivery Lead Capital One Glen Allen, Virginia, United States | II, III & IV Year CSE | PO1, PO3, PO12 | |
44 | Effective use of Digital Platforms | 3/8/2020 | Mr Charles Godwin, HR Leader & Public Speaker Zoho Pvt Ltd | II, III & IV Year CSE | PO6, PO9 and PO12 | |
45 | Dealing with Boredom | 3/8/2020 | Ms Florentina, Alumni B2016, Senior Executive – Accessibility Publishing, SPI Global | II, III & IV year CSE | PO12 | |
46 | Stress Management | 4/8/2020 | Ms N Anitha, Executive Administrator, NIWE | II, III & IV year CSE | PO12 | |
47 | Moodle Usage | 4/8/2020 | Mr L Remegius Praveen Sahayaraj, Assistant Professor/CSE LICET | II, III & IV year CSE | PO5 | |
48 | Training Mind and Body | 4/8/2020 | Ms Jebin Jacob Assistant, Professor – Psychology Presentation College | II, III & IV year CSE | PO12 | |
49 | Engineering Project Management | 27/07/2020 to 31/07/2020 | Mr Juliyan Patrik, Research Scholar, Gannon University, Pennsylvania, USA | IV Year CSE | PO1, PO11 | |
50 | Motivational Talk | 10/02/2020 | Mr Murugesan, Visiting Faculty, LIBA | II & III Year CSE | PO12 | 2019-2020 |
51 | Motivational Talk | 25/11/2019 | Mr Amalraj, Director & CEO, Tirame Technology | I Year CSE | PO9 PO12 | |
52 | Subnetting and Cisco Packet Tracer | 20/8/2019 | Ms Nandhini, Network Trainer, CSS Corp | III Year CSE | PO1 PO2 PO12 | |
53 | Linear Programming and its application | 5/8/2019 | Prof P Murugesan, LIBA | IV Year CSE | PO1 PO2 PO12 | |
54 | Future Scope of Data Science | 02/08/2019 | Dr Arul Joseph, Professor, Fu Jen University | III Year CSE & IT | PO1, PO5, PO12 PSO3 |